“Whatever music you beat on your drum there is somebody who can dance to it."
Quote: Chinua Achebe
I say, yes, we dance! These 40 days of Lent are filled with opportunities to prepare for the solemn time ahead. We anticipate Holy Week with a great sense of the inevitable.
And for that week, we know, while reading each story and praying each prayer, what is to come.
Traveling the road through Jerusalem, we relive tender moments between friends and family only to watch as they transform into confusion and fear leading all to Good Friday.
Each Sunday during the 40 days of Lent is considered a time to celebrate, a little Easter of sorts. For a moment the heaviness of Lent’s discipline is lifted.
It is a Sabbath, a time to rest and restore. The rhythm of our journey continues to beat - a beat that inspires a dance of hope. A hope only found in the surprise of new life.
Let’s dance…