A shooting star fell outside my window last night, and my stomach clenched because I realized my relationship to hope, to wishes, had changed utterly this week. And then I realized that all wishes now needed to be replaced with something closer to determination. We must make communities now of whatever size that support all those who have become radically more vulnerable. We must make micro countries of love inside this larger country of cruelty. Small communities that prioritize difference and expression and safety and joy. In other words, we have to do what we have always done, just more determinedly.
-Pam Houston - FB page (Thank you for sharing,
What an excellent quote!
My ideas have been shaping but words were not ready to explain.
A sense of determination has begun to push forward. Our need to create community is critical, and we are no strangers to this action.
There will be a balance here. As we come together, might we leave the door open for all those who will truly be caught off guard?
I see communities of compassion.
It is a stretch to say this much. My heart still feels raw and reflective.
When words don't flow, I feel supported when reading other’s thoughts.
For this, I am grateful.